
Plings is a great site helping young people (13-19 yr olds) discover amazing activities and inspiration.

They've added a great new feature to their site, which adds automatic but customised 'Cycle there' links to every one of their listings! (And of course, young people are exactly the kind of people we want to see getting on their bikes more!)

If you run a listings site of any kind, it's really simple to add this to your site too!

Just make your page generate a link like this:

or, if you optionally have a building/street name, like this: + Postcode (URL encoded) + / + Name (optional, URL encoded) + /

If your site uses the language PHP, this would be as follows, using $postcode and $placename as your content values:


// Cycle there link (to CycleStreets) - with postcode and place name shown when the user gets to CycleStreets site
echo '<p><a href="' . urlencode (strtolower ($postcode)) . '/' . urlencode (urlencode ($placename)) . '/">Cycle there (CycleStreets)</a></p>';

// or:

// Cycle there link (to CycleStreets) - with postcode shown when the user gets to CycleStreets site
echo '<p><a href="' . urlencode (strtolower ($postcode)) . '/">Cycle there (CycleStreets)</a></p>';


The result is a nice, user-friendly page with the destination already filled in!

Journey to ... example

If you have any other kind of website, e.g. one for your organisation, you can also make a 'cycle to us' link or badge for its contact page – read more.

Link box

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