We're pleased to announce the availability of a new domain name to access CycleStreets pages via shortlinks – useful for adding to Twitter and other messages.


will redirect to the main site, as will all URLs in the same pattern, e.g. cycle.st/about

There are also short links for journey plans and Photomap URLs:

http://cycle.st/j20000  – redirects to journey 20,000

http://cycle.st/p80  – redirects to photo 80

http://cycle.st/jp  – redirects to the journey planner main page

http://cycle.st/pm  – redirects to the Photomap main page.

All work with www at the start also, e.g. www.cycle.st/p80

The shortlink for each page appears at the bottom-left of the page, so you don't need to remember these patterns.

We hope you find these useful!

PS We were planning originally to use cyclestree.ts but it turns out we'd have to wait for a new country to be founded – .ts doesn't exist as a country code!

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