If you have not already voted, and you want to support CycleStreets, please vote today to get CycleStreets some much-needed funding!

Thank you to the very many people who have told us they’ve voted for us. Your votes are much appreciated!

Also, check out our recently-added features page!

Simon, lead developer for CycleStreets, has reached the shortlist for the East Anglian section of the TalkTalk Digital Heroes Digital Heroes awards!

If won, this would be worth £5,000 of much-needed funding for CycleStreets, an OpenStreetMap-based project.

* Please vote for Simon as our ‘Digital Hero’ if you like CycleStreets, and help us get CycleStreets some funding!

If you know others who have used CycleStreets, please do ask them to vote too ( – but obviously please do not spam).

In terms of funding more generally, we can now accept donations, which will help in particular for server costs. If you have any suggestions for grant-funding bodies to which we could apply, we would also be interested to know – do drop us a line.

Thanks to everyone who has given any help with CycleStreets – and indeed OpenStreetMap – so far.

CycleStreets Ltd includes a not-for-profit clause in our governing documents.

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